Q: What is the difference between price of gasoline in Switzerland and price of gasoline in Macedonia in 2008?
A: 0.15
Q: What is the difference between two consecutive major ticks on the Y-axis?
A: 0.5
Q: Is the number of lines equal to the number of legend-labels?
A: Yes
Q: What is the label or title of the Y-axis?
A: Price (US$ per litre)
Q: In how many years is the number of neonatal deaths in Cuba greater than 500?
A: 2
Q: What is the total number of neonatal deaths in Cuba in the graph?
A: 2049.23
Q: How are the legend labels stacked?
A: horizontal
Q: Does Havana appear as one of the legend labels in the graph?
A: No
Q: What is the difference between the highest and the second highest amount of earnings from goods?
A: 0.9e+5
Q: How many years are there in the graph?
A: 4
Q: Across all years, what is the minimum earning from goods?
A: 6.000e+5
Q: In which year was the earning from goods maximum?
A: 2013-14
Q: What is the ratio of the sodium content in Sample 37 to that in Sample 33?
A: 1.086
Q: What is the difference between the highest and the second highest sodium content across the different samples?
A: 1.14
Q: What is the title of the graph?
A: Sodium content in different samples
Q: Is the sum of the sodium content in Sample 35 and Sample 36 greater than the maximum sodium content across all samples?
A: Yes
Q: What is the average air quality index value for NHMC per hour?
A: 0.167
Q: What is the difference between the air quality index of CH4 at 07:00:00 hours and the air quality index of CH4 at 09:00:00 hours?
A: 0.5
Q: Is it the case that in every hour, the sum of the air quality index of NMHC and CO is greater than the air quality index of CH4?
A: No
Q: What is the air quality index of NHMC at 08:00:00 hours?
A: 0.184
Q: Does the amount of banana production monotonically increase over the years?
A: Yes
Q: In how many years, is the banana production greater than the average banana production taken over all years?
A: 3
Q: In which year was the banana production minimum?
A: 2004-05
Q: What is the median banana production?
A: 20500.12